Look back on past attempts to start your project, business or other venture and determine the reason or reasons you haven’t pull pulled the trigger. Determine if they are excuses or valid reasons to be apprehensive about moving forward. If it is the later, determine what factors can change your mind about those issues.
Today’s Assignment 4/20:
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Analysis Paralysis (Pull The Trigger)
admin, , Oyce Holdings, branding, consulting, development, entrepreneur, goals, marketing, SEM, small business, 0
The tendency is often to over complicate the task at hand. Many entrepreneurs miss their window of opportunity for their...
Monetize Your passion
admin, , Oyce Holdings, blog, growth, monetization, monetize, oyce, passion, 0
Dictionary.com defines demonetization as mon·e·ti·za·tion /ˌmänədəˈzāSH(ə)n,ˌmänəˌtīˈzāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the action or process of earning revenue from an asset, business,...
Welcome to Oyce
admin, , Oyce Holdings, Uncategorized, business, consulting, development, marketing, SEM, SEO, small business, 0
Thanks for stopping buy Oyce Holdings, LLC. We value your business and are here to help you as you...
Refocus and Push Through 2022
admin, , Inspiration, 2022, hosting, New Year, oyce, Oyce inspiration, oycehosting, 0
Forget the naysayers, the beginning of the new year is great time to reset and refocus. The energy surrounding...
Retool, Rework, Reorganize
admin, , Oyce Holdings, Oyce Hosting, development, entrepreneur, retool, strategy, 0
Learn to, retool, rework or reorganize an idea until it is ready for the masses. Don’t just take your...
Domain and Hosting
admin, , Inspiration, Oyce Hosting, blog, branding, domain, domains, hosting, Oyce inspiration, oycehosting, podcast, 0
Starting a new blog? Launching a podcast? Purchase your perfect domain name, before someone else does. Domains help in...
What Now? What Next?
admin, , Inspiration, Oyce Holdings, brand, change, covid19, oyceholdings, oycehosting, whatnext, 0
Are you unable to open your business because of county, city, state or nationwide mandates. Clients reluctant to commit...
25% Percent of Logo
admin, , Oyce Holdings, branding, consulting, domains, hosting, logo, website, 0
Get 25% of logo design until Jan. 10. Call Oyce Holdings, LLC today and get a quote on your...